Vehicle Registration Form

Vehicle Information

Did you pay lower than fair market value for vehicle?
The new owners residency location tax rate must be used for any motor vehicle, boat or trailer. If the buyer has residency or business location in 2+ counties within the state, the tax rate on the residency or business where the boat, trailer, motor vehicle will be used or stored at mostly, will take preference in determining the tax rate. The current tax rate is at 8.875%. If the buyer is a business, the place of the business will determine the tax rate. The higher rate between the Snowmobiles or ATV’s location of use or storage will be used.

Additional Vehicle Information

Was the vehicle damaged, destroyed, wrecked to a higher capacity where the total charges to repair including parts, labor to reconstruct or rebuild the vehicle to its previous condition exceeds 75% of the vehicles retail value at the time of the accident? If yes, an anti-theft examination must be done before vehicle can be registered as a “Rebuilt Salvage” on it.
Vehicle registered for self-personal use?
Any modifications done to the vehicles registration class?
Buyer Certification: I certify and acknowledge that all the statements above are complete, accurate, and that the statements are made with the acknowledgement that an intentional statement will be considered to be a fraudulent statement for the purpose to evading tax responsibilities which is a misdemeanor below Tax Law Section 1817(b), and Penal Law section 210.45, which is punishable by up to a maximum fine of $10,000 for an individual, or $20,000 for any corporation or business.
Terms of Service: You acknowledge that by using this service, you agree to pay the convenience charge, which will vary based on the service speed you pick. You also consent to pay the applicable taxes on the car, which are determined by the price you paid for the automobile. In addition, you acknowledge and consent to the payment of the registration fee, which might be lower, or more than the amount stated. You also attest that no one else is completing this form than yourself and that the license that was supplied is valid. Indeed, the title and other important papers are not covered by the above items. Any statement found to be false or fraudulent on this registration is considered fraudulent, which is a crime that may result in both civil and criminal consequences. We process next day transactions for only $45, which doe not include the pickup nor delivery of the files/documents..

A. Electronic Signature Agreement:
You will be considered to have legally bound yourself to this Agreement's terms after submitting your electronic signature. You acknowledge and agree that your electronic signature on this Agreement is the same as your manual signature in all legal respects. You are indicating that you agree to be legally bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You agree that using a keypad, mouse, or another device to select an item, button, icon, or other act or action constitutes acceptance of this provision.

In any other case, please send instructions for PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC Through this website. When you access any contract or make any transaction, including any agreement, acknowledgment, consent terms, disclosures, or conditions, this represents your signed acceptance and Agreement. From this point forward, we will refer to it as an "E-Signature." as though you had signed it in writing. You also understand that validating your E-Signature does not need the use of any certifying authority or any other verification performed by a third party.

That the absence of such certification or third-party verification will not in any way impact the admissibility of your electronic signature or any contract that may arise from your relationship with PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC applies to any contract that may result between you and PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC.

You also indicate that you are authorized to enter into this Agreement on behalf of any people who own or are authorized to access any of your accounts. This authorization extends to all accounts you own or are permitted access to. That such individuals will be obligated to comply with the conditions of this Agreement. You agree that each E-Signature usage is in the process of getting services from PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC. Signifies your consent to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Disclosures and Agreements provided PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC as they were on the day your electronic signature was generated.

B. An email address that is both current and active, as well as notifications and updates:
For you to use PRO MULTI SVCS Online services, you will need to provide an email address that is both current and legitimate. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to keep PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC. Updated any changes to your email address. If new Electronic Communication or a revised agreement relating to PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC Online becomes available, PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC. may send you a notification on this through email.

C. The computer's hardware, as well as it is software and operating system:
You are the only person responsible for setting up, maintaining, and operating your system, website, and software. PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC is not liable for any mistakes or problems that may occur due to a malfunction in your computer, browser, or software. PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC is not liable for virus attacks or other issues using an online system.

Below is a list of the barebones requirements in terms of hardware, software, and operating system that must be met in order to participate in PRO MULTI SVCS Online and obtain Electronic Communications:
o It is compatible with IBM and runs Windows 2000 as the operating system. Memory: 4 MB Random Access Memory (RAM) Disc Space: 50 MB
o Monitor with free space and resolutions of 800 by 600
o Internet connectivity through a modem of at least 28.8 kilobits per second and a browser version of Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher

D. Controlling Agreement: This Agreement amends and supplements any existing agreements that you may have with PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC in the past or the future. Suppose the contents of this Agreement and those of another agreement are incompatible. In that case, the provisions of this Agreement will take precedence (except provisions in another agreement for an electronic service that specify the necessary hardware, software and operating system, in which such other provision controls). The terms and conditions of any other agreements will continue to govern any additional responsibilities the parties have. By clicking the “I Accept” button on this Agreement, you are indicating that you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this document. This will allow you to get electronic services and communications. It is strongly suggested that you take the time to print off a copy of this Agreement for your records.
Notification of privacy: Warning about your privacy —

By the provisions of the New York State Tax Law, the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance may collect and store personally identifiable information, which may include, but is not limited to the following: portions of the Law numbered 5-a, 171, 171-a, 287, 308, 429, 475, 505, 697, 1096, 1142, and 1415. According to 42 U.S. Code Section 405I(2)I, this could entail the disclosure of social security numbers (I).

This information will be used to assess and manage tax obligations and, where permitted by Law, for specific tax offset and exchange of tax information programs and any other valid purpose. In addition, this information may be used for any other lawful purpose. Certain state agencies receive information regarding the quarterly wages paid to employees for fraud prevention, enforcement of support obligations, evaluation of the effectiveness of particular employment and training programs, and other purposes authorized by Law. These purposes include evaluating the effectiveness of particular employment and training programs. According to the Tax Law, if you fail to furnish the relevant information, you may be liable to either civil or criminal fines. This information is kept up to date by the Manager of Document Management at the New York State Tax Department, located at the W. A. Harriman Campus in Albany, New York, 12227; you may reach them at (518) 457-5181.

Please add and upload the following documents:

Max. file size: 516 MB.
Max. file size: 516 MB.
Max. file size: 516 MB.
Buyer Certification: I certify and acknowledge that all the statements above are complete, accurate, and that the statements are made with the acknowledgement that an intentional statement will be considered to be a fraudulent statement for the purpose to evading tax responsibilities which is a misdemeanor below Tax Law Section 1817(b), and Penal Law section 210.45, which is punishable by up to a maximum fine of $10,000 for an individual, or $20,000 for any corporation or business.
Terms of Service: You acknowledge that by using this service, you agree to pay the convenience charge, which will vary based on the service speed you pick. You also consent to pay the applicable taxes on the car, which are determined by the price you paid for the automobile. In addition, you acknowledge and consent to the payment of the registration fee, which might be lower, or more than the amount stated. You also attest that no one else is completing this form than yourself and that the license that was supplied is valid. Indeed, the title and other important papers are not covered by the above items. Any statement found to be false or fraudulent on this registration is considered fraudulent, which is a crime that may result in both civil and criminal consequences. We process next day transactions for only $45, which doe not include the pickup nor delivery of the files/documents..

E. Electronic Signature Agreement:
You will be considered to have legally bound yourself to this Agreement's terms after submitting your electronic signature. You acknowledge and agree that your electronic signature on this Agreement is the same as your manual signature in all legal respects. You are indicating that you agree to be legally bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You agree that using a keypad, mouse, or another device to select an item, button, icon, or other act or action constitutes acceptance of this provision.

In any other case, please send instructions for PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC Through this website. When you access any contract or make any transaction, including any agreement, acknowledgment, consent terms, disclosures, or conditions, this represents your signed acceptance and Agreement. From this point forward, we will refer to it as an "E-Signature." as though you had signed it in writing. You also understand that validating your E-Signature does not need the use of any certifying authority or any other verification performed by a third party.

That the absence of such certification or third-party verification will not in any way impact the admissibility of your electronic signature or any contract that may arise from your relationship with PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC applies to any contract that may result between you and PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC.

You also indicate that you are authorized to enter into this Agreement on behalf of any people who own or are authorized to access any of your accounts. This authorization extends to all accounts you own or are permitted access to. That such individuals will be obligated to comply with the conditions of this Agreement. You agree that each E-Signature usage is in the process of getting services from PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC. Signifies your consent to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Disclosures and Agreements provided PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC as they were on the day your electronic signature was generated.

F. An email address that is both current and active, as well as notifications and updates:
For you to use PRO MULTI SVCS Online services, you will need to provide an email address that is both current and legitimate. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to keep PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC. Updated any changes to your email address. If new Electronic Communication or a revised agreement relating to PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC Online becomes available, PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC. may send you a notification on this through email.

G. The computer's hardware, as well as it is software and operating system.
You are the only person responsible for setting up, maintaining, and operating your system, website, and software. PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC is not liable for any mistakes or problems that may occur due to a malfunction in your computer, browser, or software. PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC is not liable for virus attacks or other issues using an online system.

Below is a list of the barebones requirements in terms of hardware, software, and operating system that must be met in order to participate in PRO MULTI SVCS Online and obtain Electronic Communications:
o It is compatible with IBM and runs Windows 2000 as the operating system. Memory: 4 MB Random Access Memory (RAM) Disc Space: 50 MB
o Monitor with free space and resolutions of 800 by 600
o Internet connectivity through a modem of at least 28.8 kilobits per second and a browser version of Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher

H. Controlling Agreement. This Agreement amends and supplements any existing agreements that you may have with PROFESSIONAL MULTIPLE SERVICES LLC in the past or the future. Suppose the contents of this Agreement and those of another agreement are incompatible. In that case, the provisions of this Agreement will take precedence (except provisions in another agreement for an electronic service that specify the necessary hardware, software and operating system, in which such other provision controls). The terms and conditions of any other agreements will continue to govern any additional responsibilities the parties have. By clicking the “I Accept” button on this Agreement, you are indicating that you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this document. This will allow you to get electronic services and communications. It is strongly suggested that you take the time to print off a copy of this Agreement for your records.
Notification of privacy: Warning about your privacy —

By the provisions of the New York State Tax Law, the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance may collect and store personally identifiable information, which may include, but is not limited to the following: portions of the Law numbered 5-a, 171, 171-a, 287, 308, 429, 475, 505, 697, 1096, 1142, and 1415. According to 42 U.S. Code Section 405I(2)I, this could entail the disclosure of social security numbers (I).

This information will be used to assess and manage tax obligations and, where permitted by Law, for specific tax offset and exchange of tax information programs and any other valid purpose. In addition, this information may be used for any other lawful purpose. Certain state agencies receive information regarding the quarterly wages paid to employees for fraud prevention, enforcement of support obligations, evaluation of the effectiveness of particular employment and training programs, and other purposes authorized by Law. These purposes include evaluating the effectiveness of particular employment and training programs. According to the Tax Law, if you fail to furnish the relevant information, you may be liable to either civil or criminal fines. This information is kept up to date by the Manager of Document Management at the New York State Tax Department, located at the W. A. Harriman Campus in Albany, New York, 12227; you may reach them at (518) 457-5181



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