At Professional Multiple Services we strive in providing our customers with the most up to date, accurate, unbiased and effective home Appraisals. We take pride in our licensed and certified appraisal expert that will help you know the actual value of your home.

Why hire our Appraiser?

Our Appraiser is licensed, certified and experienced to handle any property Appraisal.
An Appraisal can help you negotiate purchasing or selling prices on the property as a buyer.
A home Appraisal is required when purchasing, selling a home or handling different real estate Matters including:

  • Fair Market Value Appraisals are done to help you know your true home value to make informed decisions that can only be accomplished by hiring our Licensed and Certified Home Appraiser expert.
  • Bankruptcy Appraisals are done to help our clients settle Chapter 7, Chapter 13 or Chapter 13 matters. We understand your situation and acknowledge that a lower appraisal value will aide you.
  • Estate Appraisals are usually needed to handle and settle property estate matters. We acknowledge that a lower value will aide estate taxes and a higher appraisal value will establish a basis for capital gains in the future. We help with retroactive appraisals if the dates of death and request for appraisal differ.
  •  Tax Grievance Appraisals are conducted by homeowners grieving their property taxes. Don’t hire a 3rd party tax grievance company and overspend when you can do it yourself. The process is simple, complete the application and hire an appraisal (us). If the town is over assessing your home value let us help you correct this issue and save you time, income and additional work.
  • Prelisting Appraisals are highly recommended when planning to sell a home. You can use our unbiased and experienced Appraisal services to give you an accurate appraisal value to your property. Don’t rely on websites like Zillow that often has inaccurate information, its best to have our affordable appraisal report that pays off itself in many ways including giving the seller bargaining rights to negotiate pricing with the buyer which can save you thousands of dollars.  Don’t end up agreeing to overpay for a property relying on incorrect means such as Zillow and sign a contract to receive less than market valued price that can cost you thousands of dollars. We will take your interests in our hands with no bias when conducting your Appraisal.  Be an educated and competent seller to your buyer and get an appraisal from us, you will thank us later.
  • Pre-Purchase Appraisals highly recommended when planning to buy a home. You can use our unbiased and experienced Appraisal services to give you an accurate appraisal value to your property. Don’t rely on websites like Zillow that often has inaccurate information, its best to have our affordable appraisal report that pays off itself in many ways including giving the buyer bargaining rights to negotiate pricing with the seller which can save you thousands of dollars.  Don’t end up agreeing to overpay for a property relying on incorrect means such as Zillow and sign a contract to overpay when it can cost you thousands of dollars. Even if a buyer agrees to overpay when purchasing a home the mortgage bank will decline the loan because the property can come back as undervalued. We will take your interests in our hands with no bias when conducting your Appraisal.
  • Divorce Appraisals deals with two divorcing spouses designating what each one of them gets. In most cases the property can be sold with property equity subdivided or other spouse can buy out the value of the former spouse. Hire our credible Appraiser to help you settle the divorce proceedings as soon as possible to help you move on with your life. Our Appraiser will give you a court defendable Appraisal that can be used legally during the divorce.
  • Home Equity Line of Credit Appraisals are done when a bank program advises the bank that your house is not sufficient to support your HELOC or line of credit. Save the money and time and hire our unbiased inspector to help you with the home appraisal that will pay off itself with the savings our appraisal report will offer to prove to the bank your property is sufficient collateral for your line of credit. Due to the urgency in this request from the bank we can get our accredited appraiser out to you next or following business day the latest.