Let Professional multiple services help you acquire mutual funds, variable annuities, stocks, or bonds.

Thinking about familial or retirement investment? Our diverse line of products help you with more verse 401K and retirement products such as variable 401K plans, mutual fund products, bonds and more.


Why invest in a retirement plan with us as an individual?

With our wide range of short and long term tax deductible investment products including 401(k), 403(b) and 457(b), we can make your short or long term financial dreams a reality. It is prognosed that in a couple of years Social Security checks will cease and we will all have to fend for ourselves towards our retirement. To make matters worse employers are cutting back on employee pensions and dollar for dollar matching plans making it imperative to have the correct retirement plan that works for you best. Don’t let your employers limited retirement plans influence you in plans that mostly favor them with tax savings and benefits, speak to us on what your retirement needs are and let us make an informed decision on what plan we choose for you from our expanded list of plan options; we will explain to you why we recommend the plan that we do to make your retirement needs effective and simple in the long term, don’t limit your possibilities and diversify your appropriate retirement plan options with us.

Why invest with us as an employer?

Offer employees a retirement plan to attract more talented employees that will see their position with your organization as a serious, stable, long term position they can invest in and offer their utmost performance to your organization. Don’t attract employees that will see your business as a temporary means of income then resign when you need them the most and invest more energy, time and income on replacing the employee, avoid all of this hassle by simply offering a retirement plan where they can protect themselves and their loved ones should they need to. There are major tax advantages to you as an employer when offering retirement plans to your employees, the employee retention, loyalty and tax savings will pay off the cost of the retirements places many times over guaranteed while avoiding hassles, waste of time and more work.


Why invest in mutual funds with us?

Benefits of Mutual Funds include simplicity, cost, diversification, and professional management. Nearly 100 million Americans own mutual funds, they are easy to buy and sell, simple to understand, safer product to liquidate than other investment products. Lower your investment risk under these hard times and invest in mutual fund products with us to help you lower your risk in investing to reach your long term financial goals. Every dollar you invest in our mutual fund product is diversified by our experts to make sure your investment pays off. We make your mutual funds easy to access and track using out simplified portfolio management to easily keep track of the investments.


The top benefits of mutual funds.

  • Diversification at every dollar level.
  • Sharing of investment expenses.
  • Economies of scale and operational efficiencies.
  • Easier to invest in specialized market sectors.
  • Easy to access and track.
  • Simplified portfolio management.
  • Access to professional money managers.
  • Low trading costs

Why invest in our annuities?

We have 3 kinds of diversified annuity products available for our customers.

1.Variable annuities – we offer both investment and insurance features designed specifically for retirement purposes.

  1. Fixed Annuities – we offer fixed rate returns for more security on your investment.

3. Fixed Indexed Annuities – we offer higher rates of return than a fixed but with a little more market volatility risk.