In today’s world final expenses can be very costly. A funeral alone can cost over $10k on average. Why leave loved ones grieving and with a $10k bill that can break finances for your loved ones? Let Professional Multiple Services help you with burial insurance. Let us help you plan and leave your burial coverage in effect to leave loved ones with your final expenses covered with any remainder of funds for them to keep. That’s right, your beneficiaries are given the insurance funds and its up to them how they choose to handle the funds.

We provide your beneficiaries with a $10k credit to cover you for your burial expenses and any surplus amount left over they get to keep for themselves. With the guaranteed acceptance clause this is a must plan to get for all. The last thing we would like to be is a burden to anyone else. Let us explain how this whole life policy would be a beneficial investment to your loved ones. Leave your loved ones with a credit not a bill, call us to help make this a reality for you and your loved ones to end things on a positive note.