We at Professional Multiple Services have a trained and accredited filling representative known as a property/building expediter to assist with those hard to obtain city permits for architects, contractors, engineers and landlords. We service the five boroughs and will work diligently to acquire NYC building permits in an expedited, efficient demeanor while paying less. We will get the city to checkmark and approve your permit request.

Don’t wait in line for hours and have your applications returned because of complicated hard to understand errors. Let us go for you and make sure the application is correct.

Let us assist you in acquiring the list of appropriate permits you will need, let us worry about the permits while you focus on the property itself. We work with DOB and DOT permits emphasizing residential property renovations. Our permits can be relatively done within a few days.

Speak to our staff about building a new building, property renovation, property repairs including sidewalk/roadway repairs or more, our staff will help you with the permit process to make your property real estate vision a reality.

What services do we offer?

Department of Buildings (DOB) services offered:

  • Filing of Alteration Type-1 change of certificate of occupancy,2 retaining same use including occupancy and egress, and type 3 projects
  • We help with filing of Post-Approval Amendments known as (PAA) jobs
  • We help with the process of pulling work permits thru DOB
  • We help with “No Work Permits” legalization process to remove permit violations without work permit.
  • We help in acquiring after-hours work variance permits thru DOB
  • We help in acquiring a Letter of Completion (known as) sign-off letter.
  • We help in Registration of a contractor with the Licensing Unit to obtain a tracking number.
  • We help with stop work orders, violation searches and rescinding letters.
  • We update a contractor’s insurance file with the Licensing DOB Unit.
  • We help in Permit renewals, coordination of inspections.
  • We help with Certificate of Occupancies (initial or revised)
  • We help with investigating, dismissing or removing violations with certificate of corrections issued.
  • And more services!

Department of Transportation (DOT) services Offered:

  • We help with pulling DOT permits including sidewalk repairs and equipment in the roadway.
  • We help with registration of a contractor in obtaining a permittee number.
  • We help to update a contractor’s insurance file with DOT.
  • We coordinate or setup a New Building Meeting for projects involving construction of a new building or major alteration on a property.
  • We help to coordinate a Lower Manhattan Meeting for projects located under Canal Street in Manhattan.
  • We help in all Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests.
  • And more services!

We help with Environment Control Board violations (ECB)

We help coordinate ECB hearings for violations including occupancy violations, construction violations, working without permit violations and strive for fine reduction as an alternative to dismissing violation if unable to. 

What else do we do?

We also coordinate FDNY and HPD violations.

We help with Landmark Preservation Commission permits, filings, violations and hearings.

We help with the Office of Environmental Remediation for approvals and filings.