We are so versatile that we even offer Foods and Goods Shopping services serviced by our reputed staff that have years of experience in shopping and selecting the best and healthiest food, product selections per customers request or our savvy staff if customer is unsure on specific products or foods needed.

We also offer gift buying with delivery and fast food pickups.

Don’t have time to shop for foods, goods or groceries? We are here to help. Simply place an order online with us by specifying the type of order your requesting, giving a security deposit and instructions on what you want purchased for you and the time you need it delivered by, its that simple!

Do you need specific products bought from Walmart, Target, Macy’s or other New York City retailers and overnight shipping/delivery is not available, undependable, received the wrong item or the shipping is too costly?

Hire us, we are here to help and make sure we purchase what you request, then immediately drive to deliver the products at a cheaper price than buying online with overnight shipping and faster than waiting 3-5 business days to receive the products thru mail. We manually go and buy your food and products to make sure there are no system errors and you receive what you want delivered.

Unsure where to go to get your products or foods at the best quality and pricing?

Let us worry about where to go to get you the best quality of foods, produces and products you are looking for.

We will drive out and purchase or pickup your order upon request at anytime, during all hours including the holidays when it is tough to get all the shopping done for the get togethers.

Save the hassle of having to go food or product shopping after work while the stores are overcrowded with people shopping, long waiting lines and out of stock supplies. We go shopping during the least busiest hours (if enough time is given) to make sure your grocery list is all or mostly in stock during our purchase.

Unlike most of our competitors, we will shop for anything available in the markets interchangeably ranging from products such as heavy car batteries and tires in the products selection, and vegetables to live crabs in the food selection.


Plastic bags have been illegalized, shopping in person has just become harder than ever, let us handle this inconvenience and let us do the shopping and for you.   

Corona Virus is here! Let our experts pick out safe food and go shopping for you during your safe quarantine on this highly contagious deadly pandemic virus killing globally.

We strive on our policy for customer satisfaction that we buy and deliver all foods and products including unattainable thru online foods and products only available in physical markets or stores