Are you going away and need your property monitored and protected?

Hire us to guard and monitor your property while your out of town or on vacation. Our guards will stay at your property at all times and secure your property from any potential theft or utility hazards that require monitoring. Are you a landlord that needs the water heater, boiler or electric panels monitored at all times for potential hazards during your absence? We are here to watch, guard your property from utility or other potential hazards on your property while your away.

Unlike the competition, we are physically present on your property at all times to physically guard your property to immediately react and preserve your property unlike surveillance monitoring services that take time to notice and react without physically being at the property.

Do you have pets that need to be regularly fed, walked, watched during your absence?

We are trained to deal with animals because we are big animal lovers. We can supervise your pets during your absence with he same attention and care you would expect. We do everything you do for your pets to make sure you and your pets are at ease while your away. We do everything including taking them to designated appointments and venues. Our supervision team consists of experienced, strong, loving individuals capable of handling any size, weight or species of a pet while your away.                      

We service all 50 states if roundtrip flights are provided from JFK, NY.       

architecture, modern, skyscraper
pets, cute, cat